Play Super Battletank Online

Super Battletank technical data

Name Super Battletank
System Game Gear
Year 1992
Developer Absolute Entertainment
Genre Simulation

Super Battletank is a turn-based strategy game developed by Sega for the Game Gear console. It was released in Japan in 1993 and Europe in 1994. The game is based on the popular BattleTech series of board games, but with a more arcade-style approach.

The player takes control of a tank squad, which consists of four tanks, each with their own unique characteristics and abilities. The goal of the game is to complete missions by defeating enemy forces and destroying their base. Each mission has its own objectives, such as defending an area or escorting an ally to safety. The game also features several levels of difficulty, allowing players to choose how challenging they want the game to be.

Players control their tanks using a simple point-and-click interface on the Game Gear's LCD screen. They can move their tanks around on a grid-based battlefield, fire weapons at enemies and even strategize with teammates on how best to complete objectives. Players can also customize their tanks' loadouts by selecting different types of weapons and armor before each mission begins. This allows them to tailor their strategies depending on the situation at hand.

In addition to single-player mode, Super Battletank also includes two two-player modes that allow two players to battle against each other via link cable or wireless adapter (sold separately). This adds another layer of tactical depth as players must coordinate strategies with one another in order to survive enemy attacks and complete missions successfully.

Overall, Super Battletank provides an enjoyable experience for strategy fans who are looking for something different from traditional turn-based strategy games like Advance Wars or Fire Emblem. With its deep tactical gameplay and customizable loadouts, it offers hours of entertainment for those who are willing to put in the time and effort required to master its mechanics.

Game Gear Simulation games