Play House of Tarot Online

House of Tarot technical data

Name House of Tarot
System Game Gear
Year 1991
Developer Sega
Genre Simulation

House of Tarot is a Sega Game Gear game released in 1993. It is a card-based role playing adventure game in which the player takes on the role of a tarot-reading fortune teller, who must use their knowledge of tarot cards to help people solve their problems. The game takes place in a haunted castle known as the House of Tarot, where many people have gone missing over the years. The player's goal is to uncover the mystery behind the disappearances and save those who have been taken.

The game begins with the player entering the House of Tarot and encountering an old man who tells them they must use their tarot skills to help others. The player then meets other characters throughout their journey, including a mysterious woman named Madame Lune, who will offer advice and clues to help them on their quest. As they progress through the game, they must make choices that affect how other characters react, as well as how they will ultimately solve each problem they encounter.

The main gameplay consists of reading tarot cards for different characters and using them to make predictions about what will happen next. There are five suits in total: Swords, Coins, Cups, Rods and Stars. Each suit has its own unique set of cards that can be used to read for others or for oneself. After making predictions about various events or situations, players can use items found throughout the castle to help them achieve their goals or fulfill certain tasks for other characters. These items may include magical tools like wands or potions that can be used to cast spells or heal wounds; books containing information about different types of magic; weapons like swords and bows; and coins which can be used as currency when trading with shopkeepers.

Throughout their journey, players will also face off against various enemies such as monsters, ghosts and witches in order to protect themselves and others from harm. Combat is turn-based and involves drawing cards from a deck in order to determine the strength of each character’s attack or defense against an enemy’s move. Depending on how successful these attacks are, players may receive rewards such as gold coins or special items which can be used later on in the game.

Overall House of Tarot is an interesting blend of adventure gaming with card-based elements that makes it stand out from other RPGs at the time. With its unique setting and engaging storyline it offers hours upon hours of entertainment for those looking for something new and exciting to play on their Game Gear console!

Game Gear Simulation games