Play Jeopardy! - Sports Edition Online

Jeopardy! - Sports Edition technical data

Name Jeopardy! - Sports Edition
System Game Gear
Year 1994
Developer Gametek
Genre Educational

Jeopardy! - Sports Edition is a Sega Game Gear video game released in 1994. It is based on the popular American TV show, Jeopardy!. The game features sports-related questions and answers from five different categories: Athletics, Baseball, Basketball, Football, and Hockey. Players can choose to play as either one of three characters or as an anonymous contestant.

The objective of the game is to answer questions correctly and accumulate points. Points are awarded for correct answers and deducted for incorrect answers. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Players must select one of five categories before each question is revealed. Once a category is chosen, three possible answers appear on the screen. Players then buzz in by pressing “A” on their controller to answer the question correctly. If they answer correctly, they get points and can move on to the next question; if they answer incorrectly, they lose points and must wait until another player buzzes in with an answer before they can buzz in again.

The game also features a two-player mode that allows two players to compete against each other simultaneously by buzzing in with their own controllers when a question appears on screen. The first player to buzz in gets first crack at answering the question; if he/she answers incorrectly, his/her opponent has a chance to steal the points by answering correctly on his/her turn.

The graphics for Jeopardy! - Sports Edition are simple but effective; all of the questions are displayed clearly along with their respective categories and possible answers so that players can easily read them without difficulty. The sound effects are also quite good; each time a player buzzes in there is an appropriate sound effect that adds tension to the game as well as providing feedback for correct or incorrect answers given by players during gameplay.

Overall, Jeopardy! - Sports Edition for Sega Game Gear provides an enjoyable experience for those looking for a challenging trivia game based off of America's favorite TV show Jeopardy!. With its easy-to-understand mechanics, varied categories, two-player mode option, and entertaining sound effects this classic title is sure to provide hours of fun entertainment no matter how many times you play it!

Game Gear Educational games