Play Ernie Els Golf Online

Ernie Els Golf technical data

Name Ernie Els Golf
System Game Gear
Year 1994
Developer Codemasters
Genre Sports

Ernie Els Golf is a golf video game developed by Sega and released for the Sega Game Gear in 1995. The game features four courses, each with its own unique hazards, as well as three difficulty levels. Players can choose to play either a practice round or a full 18-hole tournament. The game also includes an options menu where players can customize various aspects of the game such as ball speed, wind direction, club selection and more.

The objective of the game is to use your golf clubs to hit your ball into the hole in the fewest strokes possible. You will be presented with a top-down view of the golf course and you must move your character around using the directional pad on your Game Gear controller. Once you are in position, you can select which club to use and then press the ‘A’ button to begin hitting your shot. You must take into account wind direction and power before making your shot; otherwise you may end up missing the green entirely or worse!

As you progress through Ernie Els Golf, you will become familiar with each course’s layout and learn how best to approach each hole. Different clubs have different strengths, so it pays to experiment in order to find out what works best for each situation. If you manage to sink a putt from long range, then it is possible that Ernie Els himself might appear on screen! As well as this rewarding feature, there are also bonus points awarded for completing certain tasks such as hitting a hole-in-one or sinking 3 consecutive birdies (a birdie is when a player scores one stroke under par).

Ernie Els Golf is an enjoyable golf simulator that provides plenty of challenge even for experienced players. With realistic graphics and sound effects adding to the atmosphere, this is one of those games that will keep you coming back for more!

Game Gear Sports games