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Super Putty technical data

Name Super Putty
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer System 3 Software
Genre Action

Super Putty is a 2D platformer game, released by Ocean Software in 1993 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). The game was developed by Rare and published by Ocean Software. It is based on the original Putty, which was released for the Commodore Amiga in 1992.

In Super Putty, players take control of a blob-like character named Putty as he attempts to save his home world from an alien invasion. The player must navigate through levels filled with enemies and obstacles while collecting power-ups to help them progress. Along the way, they can also collect special items such as keys that unlock secret levels and bonus points.

The gameplay of Super Putty is similar to other platformers of the era, featuring elements such as jumping between platforms, climbing ladders and ropes, and avoiding or destroying enemies. What makes Super Putty unique is its use of "stretching" mechanics. By holding down certain buttons on the SNES controller, players can stretch Putty out in different directions to reach higher platforms or cross wider gaps. This mechanic adds an extra layer of challenge to the game as players must learn how to best utilize this ability in order to progress.

In addition to single-player mode, Super Putty also supports two-player cooperative play via a link cable connection between two SNES consoles. During cooperative play both players control separate putties that can combine their abilities in order to reach areas that would normally be inaccessible alone.

Overall Super Putty is an enjoyable platformer with innovative mechanics and entertaining level design that stands out amongst its peers from the same era. It offers a unique experience for fans of classic games looking for something new and exciting.

Super Nintendo Action games