Play Last Action Hero Online

Last Action Hero technical data

Name Last Action Hero
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Bits Studios Ltd.
Genre Action

Last Action Hero is an action-adventure video game developed by Bits Studios and published by Sony Imagesoft for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1993. It is based on the 1993 film of the same name, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger as Jack Slater, a hard-boiled police officer who is transported into a fictional world within his own movie.

In the game, players take control of Jack Slater as he traverses through various levels inspired by scenes from the movie. The goal in each level is to reach the end while avoiding enemies and obstacles. Jack can use a variety of weapons to defeat enemies, such as guns and grenades. He also has access to special items that can help him progress through levels, such as keys to unlock doors or special power-ups that grant him extra health or invincibility. As Jack progresses through the game, he will come across various characters from the movie that can help him on his quest.

The gameplay consists of side scrolling action with platforming elements mixed in. Players must navigate their way around each level while avoiding enemy attacks and traps set up by bad guys. Along with defeating enemies, Jack must also solve puzzles in order to progress further into the game. These puzzles range from simple button pressing tasks to more complex riddles and brain teasers.

The graphics in Last Action Hero are fairly basic but still look good for its time period. The levels are well designed with plenty of detail and color used throughout them all. The character sprites are nicely animated and there is a decent amount of background music included too which adds atmosphere to each stage.

Overall, Last Action Hero is an enjoyable action-adventure game that fans of the movie will enjoy playing through due to its close ties with it’s source material. Although it may be a bit dated now due to its age, it still stands out as one of the better SNES titles released during this period thanks to its solid gameplay mechanics, vibrant visuals and catchy music score.

Super Nintendo Action games