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Lawnmower Man, The technical data

Name Lawnmower Man, The
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Sales Curve
Genre Action

Released in 1993, The Lawnmower Man: The Video Game is a side-scrolling action-adventure game based on the 1992 film of the same name. In the game, you play as Jobe Smith, a mentally disabled man who has been experimented on by a mad scientist to increase his intelligence and give him superhuman powers. As Jobe, you must explore an underground laboratory filled with puzzles and enemies while trying to save your friend Peter from the clutches of Dr. Angelo and his henchmen.

The game features five levels set in various areas of the lab. Each level consists of various platforms, enemies, and obstacles that must be navigated in order to progress. Jobe can use his newly acquired abilities such as telekinesis and energy blasts to defeat enemies or manipulate objects in the environment. He can also pick up power-ups such as health packs and extra lives which will help him survive longer during his journey.

The controls are relatively simple with players using two buttons for basic movement and two shoulder buttons for special abilities like telekinesis or energy blasts. Players must also use their wits to solve puzzles or avoid traps throughout each level which will help them progress further into the lab.

The graphics are similar to those seen in other Super Nintendo games at the time but still manage to capture some aspects of the movie’s visuals such as its dark atmosphere and detailed backgrounds. The soundtrack is composed mostly of electronic music which fits well with the sci-fi setting of the game while adding an additional layer of tension during certain parts of each level.

Overall, The Lawnmower Man: The Video Game is an enjoyable experience that captures some elements from its namesake movie while still offering a solid gaming experience for fans of side-scrolling action games. While it may not be as popular today as it was back when it was released, it is still worth playing if you want an entertaining adventure that pays homage to one of the more memorable films from the early 90s.

Super Nintendo Action games