Play G.O.D - Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe Online

G.O.D - Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe technical data

Name G.O.D - Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe
System Super Nintendo
Year 1996
Developer Infinity Co., Ltd.
Genre RPG

G.O.D - Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe is a Super Nintendo game released by Enix in Japan in 1994. The game is a side-scrolling action adventure that follows the story of two gods, G.O.D and Mei, who must work together to save their world from an evil force known as "The Shadow".

Players take control of G.O.D and Mei as they explore the world and battle enemies with their unique abilities. G.O.D has the ability to fly and use weapons such as swords, spears, and bows; while Mei can transform into different animals, allowing her to reach areas inaccessible to G.O.D. Players must also make use of various items found throughout the game in order to progress through levels and defeat bosses.

The game features an interesting mix of puzzles, platforming elements, and action sequences that makes it stand out among other games of its time. The visuals are also quite impressive for a Super Nintendo title, with detailed sprites and colorful backgrounds that bring the world of G.O.D - Mezameyo to life in vivid detail.

The game’s soundtrack is equally impressive; composed by Masaaki Uno, it features an array of upbeat tunes that fit perfectly with the vibrant visuals on display throughout the game’s levels and boss battles. The sound effects are also top-notch; from weapon clangs to enemy death cries, everything sounds realistic enough for players to immerse themselves fully into this unique adventure title from Enix's library of games for Super Nintendo systems

Overall, G.O.D - Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe is an excellent action adventure title for Super Nintendo systems that stands out thanks to its memorable characters, vibrant visuals, enjoyable soundtrack, and varied gameplay mechanics that make it a must-play for fans of side-scrolling titles from this era of gaming history

Super Nintendo RPG games