Play Demolition Man Online

Demolition Man technical data

Name Demolition Man
System Super Nintendo
Year 1995
Developer Alexandria, Inc.
Genre Shooter

Demolition Man is a platform-based action video game developed and published by Ocean Software for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1994. The game is based on the 1993 movie of the same name starring Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. Players take control of John Spartan, a police officer who has been cryogenically frozen in 1996 and thawed out in 2032 to stop his nemesis Simon Phoenix from wreaking havoc in a utopian world.

The game consists of seven levels, each with its own unique theme. The first level takes place in an underground subway system where players must fight their way past robotic enemies to reach the end boss. The second level takes place at the beach where players must find keys to open doors while avoiding hazards such as jellyfish and sharks. In subsequent levels, players will explore a laboratory, an office building, a shopping mall and more before finally reaching the final level which takes place inside Simon Phoenix's headquarters.

Throughout each level, players can collect various items such as coins, extra lives and power ups that will help them progress through the game more quickly or make them stronger against enemies. Additionally, special weapons can be found throughout levels which can be used to defeat enemies quicker or even destroy certain walls blocking progress.

In addition to regular enemy types that are encountered throughout each level, there are also mini-bosses that must be defeated before being able to progress further into each area. Each mini-boss has its own unique attack pattern that must be avoided or countered in order to win the battle. Once all mini-bosses have been defeated, players will eventually face off against Simon Phoenix himself for one final showdown before completing the game.

Demolition Man was praised upon its release for its graphics, sound design and overall gameplay mechanics which were considered ahead of their time for 1994 standards. It is considered by many fans today as one of the best side-scrolling action games ever released on the SNES console and remains fondly remembered by those who experienced it back then.

Super Nintendo Shooter games