Play Ultima - Quest of the Avatar Online

Ultima - Quest of the Avatar technical data

Name Ultima - Quest of the Avatar
System NES
Year 1990
Developer ORIGIN Systems
Genre RPG

Ultima: Quest of the Avatar is a role-playing game developed by Origin Systems and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1990.

It was the fourth installment in the popular Ultima series, which began in 1980 on the Apple II.

In this game, players take on the role of an Avatar, a legendary hero chosen by the gods to save Britannia from evil forces.

The game features a variety of characters and locations to explore as well as challenging puzzles and combat encounters.

The story of Ultima: Quest of the Avatar follows the same premise as its predecessors; a powerful force is threatening Britannia and it’s up to you, as the Avatar, to restore peace and balance to the kingdom.

To do so, you must journey around Britannia gathering knowledge and strength while also completing various tasks set out by Lord British and other characters.

Along your journey you will meet a variety of NPCs who will help or hinder you depending on your actions.

As well as this, there are dungeons full of monsters and traps to explore and overcome.

The main goal in Ultima: Quest of the Avatar is to gain enough wisdom and strength that your character can become an Avatar—a being with enough power to defeat evil forces in Britannia.

This requires completing eight virtues—honesty, compassion, justice, sacrifice, honor, spirituality, valor and humility—each represented by an item that must be collected throughout your adventure.

Once all eight virtues have been completed you will be able to face off against Mondain's heir; Minax who threatens Britannia with her magical powers.

Gameplay wise Ultima: Quest of the Avatar is similar to its predecessors with some new additions such as improved graphics and sound effects.

Combat takes place turn-based style where players select what action they want their character to take from attacking enemies or casting spells.

There are also various items that can be used during battles such as weapons or healing potions which can give players an advantage over their opponents.

Puzzle solving also plays a big part in Ultima: Quest of the Avatar with many puzzles requiring careful thought before any progress can be made.

Overall Ultima: Quest of the Avatar is an excellent addition to one of gaming’s most popular franchises which offers hours upon hours of enjoyable gameplay for fans old and new alike.

With its interesting storyline combined with challenging combat encounters and puzzles it’s easy to see why this game has become so beloved over time despite its age

NES RPG games