Play Solar Jetman - Hunt for the Golden Warpship Online

Solar Jetman - Hunt for the Golden Warpship technical data

Name Solar Jetman - Hunt for the Golden Warpship
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Zippo Games
Genre Action

Solar Jetman: Hunt for the Golden Warpship is a classic 1990 action-adventure game developed and published by Rareware for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The game follows the adventures of Solar Jetman, an astronaut tasked with rescuing pieces of a crashed spaceship scattered across various planets. Players must use their jetpack to explore each planet’s surface, find and collect the pieces, and then assemble them back together into a working spacecraft.

The game begins with an introduction sequence in which Solar Jetman is sent on his mission to retrieve the Golden Warpship. After this, players are taken to a menu screen where they can select which planet they want to explore. Each planet has its own unique environment and set of challenges. Some are filled with lava pits or electric fields that must be navigated around while others contain hostile aliens that must be avoided or defeated. Additionally, each planet has its own bosses that must be defeated in order to progress further in the game.

Once players have collected all of the pieces of the Golden Warpship from each planet, they are taken back to the main menu where they can choose to assemble it back together. Doing so requires players to place all of the parts correctly in order for it to work. If they succeed, Solar Jetman will then use his jetpack to fly away from the planet and return home safely with the completed ship.

Solar Jetman features some unique gameplay mechanics compared to other games on the NES at that time. For instance, instead of having regular health points like most other games did, Solar Jetman had fuel points instead which were depleted as he flew around each level using his jetpack. Additionally, if he ran out of fuel points while flying around a level he would crash land and lose one life point instead. This made it important for players to be careful when navigating their way around each level as running out of fuel could mean certain death!

In addition to these interesting mechanics, Solar Jetman also featured some impressive graphics for its time period as well as some great music tracks composed by legendary composer David Wise (who also worked on such classic titles as Battletoads and Donkey Kong Country). The combination of these elements made Solar Jetman stand out amongst its contemporaries and helped make it one of Rareware’s most beloved titles on the NES system.

Today, Solar Jetman still holds a special place in many gamers’ hearts due its challenging yet fun gameplay combined with its great visuals and music score. It continues to be fondly remembered by those who played it during its original run on NES as well as those who discovered it more recently through re-releases or emulated versions available online or through virtual console services such as Nintendo Switch Online.

NES Action games