Play Silent Service Online

Silent Service technical data

Name Silent Service
System NES
Year 1989
Developer MicroProse Ltd.
Genre Simulation

Silent Service is a submarine-themed game developed and published by Ultra Games for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). It was released in North America in 1985. The game puts the player in command of a World War II era United States Navy submarine, tasked with completing missions against enemy vessels.

Gameplay consists of a side-scrolling, top-down view of the sea while navigating the submarine. The player must use sonar to detect enemy ships and then maneuver into position to attack them. Once in position, they must fire torpedoes at the target ship and attempt to sink it before it can escape or sink the sub. The mission is complete when all enemy ships have been destroyed or evaded. In addition to attacking enemy vessels, there are also various random events such as friendly merchant ships that appear on screen that give additional points if they are not attacked.

The game features several different levels with varying difficulty settings and objectives such as sinking battleships, carriers, cruisers and destroyers; rescuing downed pilots; searching for secret supply caches; and more. There are also several power-ups that can be collected during play such as extra torpedoes, sonar upgrades, deeper dives and faster turns which make the gameplay more challenging.

The graphics within Silent Service are fairly basic but still effective for its time period. Sprites used are quite small but still recognizable as what they represent; submarines, destroyers etc., while also having some animation frames for explosions etc. Music heard throughout is mostly comprised of midi style sounds with some sound effects thrown in here and there such as when torpedoes are fired or when a ship is hit by one of your shots etc.

Silent Service has become an iconic title amongst NES enthusiasts due to its unique blend of strategy elements blended with action elements combined with its relatively simple yet enjoyable gameplay mechanics making it an overall fun experience even today after all these years since initial release back in 1985 for the NES platform.

NES Simulation games