Play Pool of Radiance Online

Pool of Radiance technical data

Name Pool of Radiance
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Strategic Simulations
Genre RPG

Pool of Radiance is a classic computer role-playing game (CRPG) released in 1988 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Developed and published by Strategic Simulations, Inc.

(SSI), Pool of Radiance was the first game in the Gold Box series of CRPGs based on Dungeons & Dragons rules.

It was also one of the first computer RPGs to be released for a home console system, and is widely credited with popularizing the genre.

The game takes place in the world of Faerûn, part of the Forgotten Realms campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons.

The player's party is tasked with freeing Phlan, a city besieged by an evil force known as The Dark Queen's Army.

Players must explore dungeons, battle monsters, complete quests, and ultimately defeat The Dark Queen's forces in order to restore peace to Phlan.

In addition to combat and exploration, players can engage in diplomacy with various non-player characters (NPCs) they meet along their journey.

Pool of Radiance features turn-based combat using an overhead view similar to that found in many traditional pen-and-paper RPGs.

Players can equip their characters with weapons and armor acquired from shops or loot from slain enemies.

Magic spells are also available and can be used both offensively and defensively during battles.

Characters gain experience points from completing quests and defeating enemies which can be used to increase their stats such as strength, dexterity, constitution etc., thus making them more powerful combatants over time.

The game also features puzzles that must be solved in order to progress through certain areas; these range from simple logic puzzles to complex mazes that require careful navigation through treacherous terrain.

Various NPCs may also give players hints or provide useful items needed for certain tasks; these NPCs are often found near towns or other areas where they can provide invaluable assistance during your adventure.

The graphics used for Pool of Radiance were revolutionary at the time; while still relatively primitive compared to modern games, they were far ahead of other CRPGs released around the same period such as Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar or Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight.

Music was composed by George Sanger who had previously worked on titles such as Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna and Lode Runner 2: The Bungeling Strikes Back! As well as providing a unique atmosphere for each area explored within the game world it also served to enhance the immersion experienced by players while playing Pool of Radiance – something which has since become commonplace within many CRPGs today but was quite rare back then due largely in part to hardware limitations present within home consoles at that time.

Overall Pool Of Radiance remains one of SSI’s most beloved titles despite being almost three decades old at this point due largely in part due its unique blend of turn-based combat mechanics combined with exploration elements reminiscent those found within traditional pen-and-paper RPGs such as Dungeons & Dragons making it one highly influential title within its genre which helped pave way for future generations CRPGs not only on consoles but PC’s alike over subsequent years after its initial release back 1988 thereby ensuring its legacy throughout gaming history even today

NES RPG games