Play P.O.W. - Prisoners of War Online

P.O.W. - Prisoners of War technical data

Name P.O.W. - Prisoners of War
System NES
Year 1988
Developer SNK Corporation
Genre Action


- Prisoners of War is a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game released in 1988 by SNK Corporation.

The game revolves around two prisoners of war, the player and their fellow prisoner, who must escape from a POW camp in Southeast Asia and make their way back to safety.

The objective of the game is to make it through each level without being recaptured, while collecting weapons and items to help you along the way.

The gameplay of P.O.W.

is fairly simple; the player controls one of the two prisoners as they move from left to right on the screen, punching or kicking enemies that appear in their path and using any weapons they find to help them progress through each level.

The levels are filled with various obstacles such as spiked pits, electrified walls, and enemy soldiers that must be avoided or defeated in order to reach the end of each stage.

As you progress through each level, you will come across power-ups that can increase your character’s health or give him special abilities such as increased speed or strength.

You will also find bonus stages where you can collect extra points and items that will aid your escape attempt.

The graphics for P.O.W.- Prisoners of War are quite good for an NES game; while not groundbreaking by today's standards, they still manage to convey a sense of realism which helps immerse players into the gritty world of prisoner-of-war camps during wartime in Southeast Asia during the 80s.

The music is also well done; it helps create tension when needed but also manages to keep things light during less intense moments within each level so as not to overwhelm players with constant tension throughout their playthroughs.

POW - Prisoners of War was a critical success upon its release in 1988; critics praised its unique setting and challenging yet rewarding gameplay mechanics which kept players coming back for more even after completing all levels available on the cartridge at launch (which was only 10).

It was also praised for its replayability due to its varied levels and multiple endings depending on how quickly the player completed each level and whether or not they had collected enough bonus items along their journey home from captivity .

It would later go on to become one of SNK Corporation’s most successful games up until that point in time and has since been ported over multiple platforms including mobile phones and tablets with updated visuals and control schemes as part of an ongoing partnership between SNK Corporation and Apple Incorporated .

Overall, POW – Prisoners of War remains an enjoyable classic NES title with great gameplay mechanics, unique visuals for its time period ,and memorable music .

It stands out among many other titles released during this era due its story-driven narrative centered around two prisoners attempting to escape a POW camp amidst wartime conditions in Southeast Asia .

Despite being nearly three decades old it still holds up surprisingly well today thanks to ports onto modern platforms such as iOS devices allowing new generations access into this timeless classic

NES Action games