Play Metal Storm Online

Metal Storm technical data

Name Metal Storm
System NES
Year 1991
Developer Tamtex
Genre Shooter

Metal Storm is an action platformer released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1991. Developed by Irem, it was one of the first games to feature a simultaneous two-player mode, allowing up to four people to play at once. The game follows protagonist Mike and his robotic assistant, Flotsam, as they attempt to rescue the world from the evil Generalissimo Killtoy.

The game features fast-paced side-scrolling action with unique gravity mechanics that allow players to jump higher and farther. The player must traverse through six levels filled with enemies, traps, and bosses while collecting power-ups and weapons such as missiles and flamethrowers. In addition to these standard elements, Metal Storm also features a unique transformation mechanic whereby Mike can temporarily transform into a mech suit known as “Gravity Armor” which grants him increased speed and strength.

The main objective of Metal Storm is to reach the end of each level while defeating enemies along the way. If Mike takes damage from an enemy or obstacle then he will lose health points until he dies if his health reaches zero. However, there are numerous power-ups scattered throughout each level which can restore health or grant temporary invincibility. There are also bonus stages where players can collect extra lives or continue points which can be used in case of death or when reaching the end of a level.

Metal Storm’s graphics are impressive for its time and feature detailed sprites with vibrant colors and smooth animations. The soundtrack consists of upbeat chiptune music that complements the action perfectly. The controls are responsive and easy to learn making it accessible to both experienced gamers as well as newcomers alike.

Overall, Metal Storm is an enjoyable experience that still holds up today due to its unique gravity mechanics and vibrant visuals. It offers plenty of challenge but never feels too difficult thanks to its generous power ups and continues system. With its great soundtrack, responsive controls, and innovative gameplay mechanics it remains one of the best NES titles ever released.

NES Shooter games