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Drop Zone technical data

Name Drop Zone
System NES
Year 1992
Developer Arena Graphics
Genre Shooter

Drop Zone is a classic Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) game released in 1984. It was developed by Aicom and published by Data East. The game has a unique concept and gameplay style, unlike most games at the time.

The premise of Drop Zone is that you are a skydiver who must descend from an aircraft while avoiding obstacles such as airplanes, birds, and other airborne hazards. You must collect parachutes to slow your descent and land safely on the ground. If you hit any of the obstacles during your descent, you will lose one of your three lives. Once you have landed safely on the ground, you must then navigate through a maze-like landscape filled with enemies such as robots and flying saucers that shoot bullets at you. You can shoot them down with your gun or avoid them altogether by maneuvering around them using the directional pad on the controller. Your goal is to reach a certain point in the maze within a set amount of time without getting hit by enemies or running out of time. If you manage to do so, you will receive points for each obstacle that you successfully avoided or destroyed during your descent.

Drop Zone also features power-ups which can be collected during levels to help make your journey easier. These power-ups include extra lives, shields which protect against enemy bullets, and “bombs” which can be used to destroy large groups of enemies at once. Additionally, there are bonus levels which give players additional opportunities to earn points or extra lives if they complete them successfully within the allotted time limit.

Overall, Drop Zone is an entertaining and challenging NES game with its own unique style of play compared to other titles released at the time. It offers hours of fun as players attempt to complete levels while collecting power-ups and avoiding enemies along the way.

NES Shooter games