Play Bard's Tale II, The - The Destiny Knight Online

Bard's Tale II, The - The Destiny Knight technical data

Name Bard's Tale II, The - The Destiny Knight
System NES
Year 1992
Developer Interplay Productions
Genre RPG

The Bards Tale II: The Destiny Knight is a classic role-playing game developed by Interplay Productions and released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988. It is the sequel to the popular 1985 game, The Bards Tale, and follows a similar style of gameplay as its predecessor. Players take control of their party of adventurers as they explore a vast world filled with dungeons, monsters, and puzzles. The goal of the game is to defeat the evil wizard Mangar and free the kingdom from his tyranny.

Players begin their adventure by creating up to six characters which can include fighters, clerics, magic-users, thieves, or any combination thereof. Each character has attributes such as strength, intelligence, dexterity, and charisma that determine their abilities in combat and other activities throughout the game. Once the characters are created they embark on their quest to save the kingdom of Skara Brae from Mangar’s dark rule.

The game features an expansive overworld map with numerous towns and cities as well as dangerous wilderness areas full of monsters and treacherous traps. Players travel around this map searching for clues to help them progress through the story while also engaging in battles with monsters along the way. Combat uses a turn-based system where each character takes turns attacking or using spells against enemies in order to gain experience points which level up their characters when enough have been gained.

In addition to battles players will also be able to interact with non-player characters (NPC’s) throughout their journey who may offer advice or items that can aid them in their quest. Additionally players can use special items such as scrolls or potions during combat that provide powerful bonuses or abilities that can quickly turn a battle in favor of the player’s party.

The main story revolves around defeating Mangar who has taken control of Skara Brae by using powerful magic artifacts called “destiny weapons” which he has hidden throughout the land. In order to gain access to these weapons players must explore each area thoroughly while solving puzzles and battling enemies until they locate all seven destiny weapons at which point they are able to challenge Mangar himself in an epic final battle for freedom from his dark reign over Skara Brae.

Overall The Bards Tale II: The Destiny Knight is an enjoyable role-playing experience that offers hours of exploration and combat within its vibrant world full of memorable characters and locations making it a great choice for both experienced RPG fans looking for something new or newcomers seeking an accessible introduction into this genre.

NES RPG games