Play Argus Online

Argus technical data

Name Argus
System NES
Year 1986
Developer NMK Co. Ltd.
Genre Shooter

The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was a revolutionary video game console released by Nintendo in 1985. It was the first gaming system to become widely popular in North America and Europe, and it helped to usher in the era of modern video games. The NES featured an 8-bit processor and an extensive library of over 500 games, many of which are still beloved today. One of these classic titles is “Argus”, a side-scrolling action game developed by Compile and published by Jaleco.

In Argus, players take control of a young boy named Argus who must save his village from an evil wizard known as Zasalamel. To do this, he must traverse multiple levels fighting enemies and solving puzzles along the way. The main objective of the game is to collect three pieces of a magical staff which will enable him to defeat Zasalamel. Along the way, Argus will encounter numerous creatures such as dragons, ghosts, bats, and snakes that stand between him and his goal.

One of the most unique aspects of Argus is its use of two different weapons – a sword for attacking enemies from close range and an energy blaster for taking out foes at a distance. The player can switch between these two weapons at any time during gameplay which adds an extra layer of strategy to each level. Additionally, there are also several power-ups scattered throughout each level that can increase Argus’ health or give him special abilities such as invincibility or double damage output. These power-ups add another layer of challenge to the game as they often require quick thinking and precise timing in order to be used effectively.

The graphics in Argus are quite impressive considering its age; colorful sprites move smoothly across detailed backgrounds while cartoonish sound effects accompany each action taken by the player or enemy on screen. This helps create a vibrant atmosphere that immerses players into its world even further than what was possible with earlier NES titles. Additionally, there are multiple difficulty settings available so gamers can tailor their experience according to their skill level or preference. All these factors combine to make Argus one of the most beloved titles on the NES platform even today despite its age.

Overall, Argus is an excellent example of what could be accomplished with early 8-bit hardware platforms like the NES system. Its engaging gameplay combined with vibrant visuals and audio create an experience that stands up well even against modern day titles; proving once again why it has remained one of the most highly regarded games on this platform for all these years later

NES Shooter games