Play American Gladiators Online

American Gladiators technical data

Name American Gladiators
System NES
Year 1991
Developer Incredible Technologies
Genre Fighting

American Gladiators is an NES game based on the popular television show of the same name. The objective of the game is to compete in various events against computer controlled opponents and ultimately win a tournament.

The game begins with a character selection screen, where players can choose between four gladiators: Hawk, Blaze, Diamond, and Laser. Each character has different stats in three categories: strength, speed and stamina. Players must then select a tournament size; they can either play a single event or enter into a tournament which consists of five events.

Once the tournament has started, players will face off against their opponents in various events such as jousting, wall climbing and powerball. During these events, players must use their characters’ stats to their advantage by using brute force or agility to defeat their opponents or reach the goal first.

In jousting matches, two characters will stand atop pedestals with long poles in hand and try to knock each other off by striking one another with the poles. Wall climbing involves racing up a wall while avoiding obstacles thrown by your opponent. Powerball is a combination of football and basketball where two teams compete for possession of a ball that must be thrown through hoops at either end of the arena in order to score points.

At the end of each event, points are awarded based on performance which are then tallied up at the end of the tournament. The player who accumulates the most points wins and advances to the next tournament level if they choose to continue playing. If they decide not to continue playing, they can save their progress so that they can pick up where they left off later on.

American Gladiators was released for NES in 1992 and was well received by critics who praised its varied gameplay and intuitive controls. Despite its age, it remains an entertaining game that still provides hours of fun today thanks to its simple yet engaging mechanics and visuals that have aged surprisingly well over time.

NES Fighting games