Play Skate or Die - Bad 'N Rad Online

Skate or Die - Bad 'N Rad technical data

Name Skate or Die - Bad 'N Rad
System Game Boy
Year 1991
Developer Konami
Genre Action

Skate or Die - Bad N Rad was a classic skateboarding game released for the Nintendo Game Boy in 1988. Developed by Konami and Ultra Games, it was one of the first games to bring skateboarding onto a handheld console. The game featured two different modes: Freestyle and Downhill Jam. In Freestyle mode, players could perform tricks on their skateboard to earn points, while Downhill Jam had them racing against the clock as they navigated various obstacles.

The objective of Skate or Die - Bad N Rad was simple: score as many points as possible by performing tricks on your board. Players controlled their character with either the directional pad or the A and B buttons. To perform tricks, players had to press combinations of buttons and directions on the pad. There were eight different tricks available in total, each with its own point value; more difficult tricks were worth more points than easier ones. Once players had completed all eight tricks, they could move on to Downhill Jam mode.

In Downhill Jam mode, players had to race down a hill while avoiding obstacles such as rocks, logs and other skaters. The goal was to reach the bottom of the hill faster than their opponents in order to win the race. Points were awarded based on how fast a player finished each course; if they managed to finish in under a certain time limit then bonus points were awarded as well.

Skate or Die - Bad N Rad also featured an array of characters for players to choose from; each character had its own unique attributes which made them better at certain tasks than others (e.g., some characters were better at downhill racing while others excelled at freestyle). Players could also customize their boards with different wheels, trucks and decks as well as change up their clothes and accessories for extra style points!

Overall, Skate or Die - Bad N Rad was an innovative game that brought skateboarding into homes around the world via a handheld console. The two different modes allowed for both casual gamers who just wanted some fun and serious gamers who wanted competition alike; this made it perfect for any kind of player no matter what type of gaming experience they preferred! With its vibrant visuals and engaging gameplay mechanics, Skate or Die - Bad N Rad is sure to remain an iconic classic among fans of retro gaming for years to come!

Game Boy Action games