Play Radar Mission Online

Radar Mission technical data

Name Radar Mission
System Game Boy
Year 1990
Developer Nintendo
Genre Action

Radar Mission for the Nintendo Game Boy is a classic turn-based strategy game from the early 1990s. It was developed by Intelligent Systems who also created other titles such as Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, and Paper Mario. The game is set in a fictional world of futuristic military conflicts. Players take control of an army of tanks and must battle against enemy forces to complete objectives on each map.

The goal of Radar Mission is to complete missions given by your commanding officer, General Jackal. You are given a choice between three different levels: Easy, Normal, and Hard. Each level has its own unique challenges that must be overcome in order to progress to the next mission. The game features over 30 levels and 8 different types of tanks that can be used during battle. As you progress through the game, new weapons become available which can help you achieve victory in battle.

The main objective of each mission is to capture all enemy bases on the map while fending off enemy attacks at the same time. To accomplish this task you must utilize your units’ abilities such as radar scanning to detect enemy positions, or using artillery fire to bombard their defenses from afar. In addition, you can also use special items such as mines or repair kits to help your units survive longer during combat. The gameplay itself is simple but requires strategic planning in order to succeed; choosing when and where to attack, when and where to defend, and how best to manage your resources are all key elements in achieving victory on each level.

The graphics in Radar Mission are quite basic compared with modern games but they still look quite good for a Game Boy title released in 1991. The sound effects are minimalistic but still add an extra layer of atmosphere and tension during battles. The music is also quite good with some catchy tunes that will stay with you long after playing it for hours on end!

Radar Mission for the Nintendo Game Boy was one of the first games released for this system which made it an instant classic among gamers around the world upon its release back in 1991. It’s easy-to-learn yet challenging gameplay coupled with its great graphics and sound make it a timeless classic that will remain enjoyable even today almost 30 years later!

Game Boy Action games