Play Portal Runner Online

Portal Runner technical data

Name Portal Runner
System Game Boy Color
Year 2001
Developer Handheld Games
Genre Puzzle

Portal Runner is an action-adventure game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the Nintendo Game Boy Color.

The game was released in North America on October 15, 2001, as part of the PlayStation's Greatest Hits series.

In Portal Runner, players take control of a young girl named Maya, who is on a quest to save her kidnapped parents from the evil Dr.


The game features platforming elements as well as puzzle solving and exploration.

The player must navigate their way through various levels while collecting items needed to progress.

Once they have collected all the items, they must face off against Dr.

Blight in a final battle.

The graphics are bright and colorful, featuring detailed environments and characters.

The music is upbeat and catchy, adding to the adventure feel of the game.

The controls are simple yet effective; jumping and running are easy to master but challenging enough that players won’t get bored quickly.

The main objective of Portal Runner is to collect seven different colored crystals scattered throughout each level in order to open portals which will allow access to new worlds and ultimately lead Maya closer to rescuing her parents from Dr.

Blight’s clutches.

As players progress through each level they will encounter various enemies including robots, monsters, aliens and more; each with their own unique attack patterns that require careful timing and strategy in order to defeat them successfully.

Players can also collect coins which can be used at special shops throughout levels in order to purchase health refills or power ups such as invincibility or extra lives; these items will become increasingly important when facing off against tougher bosses later on in the game.

Portal Runner offers hours of fun for gamers of all ages with its vibrant visuals, catchy soundtrack and easy-to-master gameplay mechanics that make it suitable for both casual gamers and hardcore enthusiasts alike; it has something for everyone! It’s an enjoyable romp through a world filled with puzzles, enemies and plenty of secrets waiting to be uncovered by brave adventurers!

Game Boy Color Puzzle games