Play Trivial Pursuit Online

Trivial Pursuit technical data

Name Trivial Pursuit
System Sega CD
Year 1994
Developer Western Technologies
Genre Educational

Trivial Pursuit is a classic board game that has been adapted to the Sega CD/Mega-CD platform. This version of Trivial Pursuit was released in 1994 and was developed by Gremlin Interactive and published by Domark. It is based on the original board game of the same name and follows the same rules. The game consists of two parts, a quiz section and an adventure section.

In the quiz portion of the game, players are given questions from various categories such as literature, science, entertainment, sports, history, and geography. Players must answer each question correctly in order to move on to the next one. The difficulty level increases as you progress through the questions. Players can also choose to play against up to three computer players or other human players via the Sega link cable. Once all questions have been answered correctly, players move onto the adventure section of Trivial Pursuit.

In this part of the game, players must explore different locations in search of pieces that will help them complete their puzzle. Locations range from deserts to jungles and are filled with various items and enemies that must be avoided or defeated in order for players to collect their pieces. There is also a time limit for each location where if players fail to collect all pieces before it runs out they will lose a life and have to start again from their last save point. Once all pieces have been collected then players can attempt to solve their puzzle which will take them one step closer towards winning Trivial Pursuit!

Overall Trivial Pursuit for Sega CD/Mega-CD is an entertaining adaptation of the classic board game that adds some exciting new elements such as exploration sections and computer opponents into its formula. It’s a great way for fans of trivia games to test their knowledge while having fun at the same time!

Sega CD Educational games