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Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan technical data

Name Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan
System Genesis - Mega Drive
Year 1996
Developer Chuanpu Technologies
Genre RPG

Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan is a Chinese action-adventure game developed by Waixing Computer Science and Technology Co.


for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive console.

The game is based on the Chinese mythology of the same name, which tells the story of the gods and their battles against demons and other evil creatures.

In Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan, players take on the role of a young warrior named Nezha, who has been tasked by the gods to stop the evil dragon king and his minions from taking over the world.

The game is set in a 2D side-scrolling world, with Nezha running, jumping, and fighting his way through a series of levels filled with enemies and obstacles.

One of the unique features of Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan is its use of Chinese mythology and folklore.

The game is filled with references to Chinese gods, demons, and legends, with many of the enemies and bosses being based on these stories.

This gives the game a unique atmosphere and makes it stand out from other action-adventure games of its time.

The gameplay in Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan is relatively straightforward.

Players control Nezha using the D-pad, with the A and B buttons used for jumping and attacking, respectively.

Nezha can also perform special moves by inputting specific button combinations, such as a dash attack or a spinning kick.

The game features a variety of enemies, ranging from basic foot soldiers to more powerful bosses, each with their own unique attacks and weaknesses.

One of the standout features of Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan is its level design.

The game features a total of 12 levels, each with its own unique theme and layout.

These levels include a forest filled with dangerous animals, a haunted temple filled with ghosts, and a fiery volcano filled with lava and fire-breathing dragons.

Each level is well-designed and challenging, with plenty of hidden areas and secrets to discover.

The game also features a variety of power-ups and items that can be collected throughout the levels.

These include health potions, extra lives, and special weapons that can be used to defeat enemies more easily.

The game also features a currency system, where players can collect coins and use them to purchase items and upgrades at shops located throughout the levels.

The graphics and sound in Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan are both excellent for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive console.

The game's sprites are well-designed and animated, with plenty of detail and variety.

The backgrounds are also well-drawn and feature plenty of color and detail.

The game's music is also noteworthy, with a variety of catchy tunes that fit the game's atmosphere and setting.

One potential downside of Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan is its difficulty.

The game can be quite challenging, especially for players who are new to the action-adventure genre.

Some of the bosses can be especially difficult to defeat, and the game's lack of a password or save system means that players must complete the entire game in one sitting.

Another potential downside of Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan is its lack of innovation.

While the game's use of Chinese mythology is unique, its gameplay and mechanics are relatively standard for the action-adventure genre.

For players looking for something new and different, Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan may not offer enough innovation to hold their interest.

In conclusion, Feng Shen Ying Jie Chuan is a well-designed and entertaining action-adventure game that is worth playing for fans of the genre.

Its use of Chinese mythology and folklore gives the game a unique atmosphere and setting, and its challenging gameplay and level design offer plenty of replay value.

While it may not be the most innovative game in the genre, it is still a fun and engaging experience for Sega Genesis/Mega Drive players

Genesis - Mega Drive RPG games