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EA Sports Double Header technical data

Name EA Sports Double Header
System Genesis - Mega Drive
Year 1993
Developer Park Place Productions
Genre Sports

EA Sports Double Header is a classic sports video game that was released in 1993 for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive.

The game features two of the most popular sports of the time, namely football and baseball.

The game was developed by Electronic Arts and was published by EA Sports.

The game has two main modes: football and baseball.

The football mode allows the player to choose from a variety of teams, each with their own unique stats and playing style.

The game also features the option to play a full season with a team, or just a single game.

The football gameplay in Double Header is a simplified version of American football, where the player controls one player at a time and can pass, run, or kick the ball.

The baseball mode in Double Header is similar to the football mode, with the player able to choose from a variety of teams, each with their own unique stats and playing style.

The game also features the option to play a full season with a team or just a single game.

The baseball gameplay in Double Header is a simplified version of the sport, where the player controls one player at a time and can pitch, hit, and field.

The game's graphics are relatively basic compared to modern sports games, but they were impressive for the time.

The player's team is displayed on the left side of the screen, while the opponent's team is displayed on the right side.

The field and stadium are displayed in the center of the screen, and the score and game clock are displayed at the top.

The game's audio is also basic, with simple sound effects for hitting, throwing, and catching the ball.

There is no commentary or music in the game, which was common for sports games of that era.

One of the unique features of Double Header was the ability to link the football and baseball modes together.

This allowed players to play a full season of both sports with the same team.

This feature added a new level of depth and strategy to the game, as players had to manage their team's roster and playing time across two different sports.

In the football mode, players could earn "power-ups" by completing specific actions, such as scoring a touchdown or intercepting a pass.

These power-ups would temporarily boost the player's stats, making them faster, stronger, or more accurate.

In the baseball mode, players could earn power-ups by hitting home runs, throwing strikeouts, or making great defensive plays.

Double Header was a popular game in the early 1990s, as it was one of the few sports games available for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive at the time.

The game was well-received by critics and gamers alike, with many praising the game's depth, gameplay, and replayability.

The ability to link the football and baseball modes together was also praised, as it added a new level of strategy and depth to the game.

Overall, EA Sports Double Header was a classic sports game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive that remains popular among retro gaming enthusiasts today.

Its simple but effective gameplay, deep roster of teams and players, and the ability to link football and baseball modes together made it a unique and memorable game for its time.

If you're a fan of classic sports games or retro gaming in general, EA Sports Double Header is definitely a game worth checking out.

Genesis - Mega Drive Sports games