Play Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops Online

Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops technical data

Name Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops
System Genesis - Mega Drive
Year 1994
Developer Time Warner Interactive
Genre Sports

Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops is a basketball video game developed by Time Warner Interactive and released for the Sega Genesis and Mega Drive in 1994.

The game is named after and features commentary by Dick Vitale, a well-known college basketball analyst and commentator.

The game features both single-player and multiplayer modes, allowing players to compete against the computer or against each other.

The single-player mode includes a variety of game modes, including exhibition games, full seasons, and tournament play, while the multiplayer mode allows for head-to-head competition between two players.

In terms of gameplay, Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops is a relatively straightforward basketball game, with players controlling their team and attempting to score points by shooting the ball into the opposing team's basket.

The game includes a variety of moves and techniques that players can use to get past defenders, such as spins, crossovers, and fakes.

The game's controls are simple and intuitive, with players using the directional pad to move their player and the buttons to pass, shoot, and perform other actions.

The game's AI is generally solid, with opposing teams providing a decent challenge for players of all skill levels.

One of the standout features of Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops is the game's presentation.

The game includes a variety of cutscenes and animations, including pre-game introductions, halftime shows, and post-game highlights, all of which are narrated by Dick Vitale.

Vitale's commentary is both informative and entertaining, providing insight into the game while also injecting his trademark enthusiasm and catchphrases.

The game's graphics are also impressive for a game of its time, with detailed player models and realistic animations.

The game's sound effects and music are also well-done, with the sounds of the ball bouncing and the crowd cheering adding to the game's atmosphere.

Despite its many positives, there are a few drawbacks to Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops.

The game's AI can be somewhat predictable, with opposing teams often using the same strategies and plays repeatedly.

Additionally, the game's difficulty level can be somewhat inconsistent, with some games feeling too easy while others are frustratingly difficult.

Another issue with the game is its lack of licensed teams and players.

While the game includes a variety of real-life college basketball teams and conferences, the players themselves are all fictional, with generic names and stats.

This can make it difficult for players who are looking to recreate real-life matchups or follow their favorite players.

Despite these drawbacks, Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops remains a fun and engaging basketball game that is worth playing for fans of the genre.

The game's presentation is its biggest strength, with Dick Vitale's commentary and the game's animations and cutscenes adding to its overall appeal.

The game's simple controls and intuitive gameplay make it easy for players of all skill levels to pick up and play, while the variety of game modes and multiplayer options add to its replayability.

In conclusion, while Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops may not be the most complex or realistic basketball game on the market, it is a solid entry in the genre that is both entertaining and enjoyable to play.

Its presentation is top-notch, and the game's simple controls make it accessible to players of all skill levels.

If you're a fan of basketball games or just looking for a fun and engaging sports game to play, Dick Vitale's Awesome Baby! College Hoops is definitely worth checking out.

Genesis - Mega Drive Sports games