Play Tempo Jr. Online

Tempo Jr. technical data

Name Tempo Jr.
System Game Gear
Year 1995
Developer Sega
Genre Action

Tempo Jr. is a Sega Game Gear game released in 1993. The game follows the adventures of Tempo Jr., a brave young boy who must rescue his kidnapped father from the evil Dr. X and his minions. The player takes control of Tempo Jr. as he travels through six different levels, each with its own unique enemies, obstacles and puzzles to overcome.

The goal of the game is to reach the end of each level and defeat Dr. X's minions before reaching the final boss at the end of the game. Along the way, Tempo Jr. can collect coins which can be used to purchase power-ups from shops scattered throughout each level or buy items from characters he meets along his journey. Additionally, there are hidden bonus stages which can be accessed by finding special keys located in certain levels, providing extra bonuses such as extra lives or bonus points.

The gameplay consists mainly of platforming elements where Tempo Jr needs to jump over or dodge enemies while making his way through each level collecting coins and items along his journey. As he progresses through each level, Tempo Jr will come across various enemies who must be defeated in order to progress further into the level; this is done by jumping on their heads or throwing objects at them such as rocks or bombs that can be found in certain areas of levels. Additionally, some levels contain environmental hazards such as spikes, lava pits and bottomless pits which must be navigated around in order to progress forward safely without losing a life; if all lives are lost then it’s back to the beginning of the level for another try!

At certain points during a level, Tempo Jr may come across large doors which lead him into one of three mini-games; these mini-games involve shooting targets with a slingshot for bonus points or helping out animals that have been trapped by Dr X’s minions for extra lives or other bonuses such as energy refills or invincibility stars which protect him from damage for short periods of time when collected.

The graphics feature bright vibrant colors and detailed sprites that bring out the cartoon-like atmosphere perfectly; additionally there are several cutscenes throughout each stage that add even more character to the world created in this charming platformer adventure!

Overall, Tempo Jr is an enjoyable platformer adventure that fans of classic Sega Game Gear games will love; with its charming visuals, fun gameplay and challenging puzzles it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re looking for something new to play!

Game Gear Action games