Play Ganbare Daiku no Gensan Online

Ganbare Daiku no Gensan technical data

Name Ganbare Daiku no Gensan
System Super Nintendo
Year 1993
Developer Irem
Genre Action

Ganbare Daiku no Gensan (translated as “Work Hard, Mr. Carpenter”) is a side-scrolling platformer developed and published by Natsume for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System in 1995. It follows the story of an apprentice carpenter named Daiku who must save his village from an impending disaster caused by a magical force known as the “Dark Power”.

The player takes control of Daiku as he embarks on a journey to rid his village of this evil force. Along the way, he will need to collect various tools and items that can help him overcome obstacles, defeat enemies, and progress through levels. These items can range from hammers and saws to ladders and ropes. In addition to these tools, Daiku will be able to use special attacks such as fireballs and lightning bolts that are powered by magic stones found throughout the game world.

The gameplay of Ganbare Daiku no Gensan is similar to many classic platformers from the 8-bit era. Players must navigate their way through each level while avoiding enemies, traps, and environmental hazards such as pits and spikes. There are also hidden areas which can be accessed by using certain tools or finding secret doors in walls or floors that lead to bonus stages where players can earn extra lives or power-ups.

In addition to its platforming elements, Ganbare Daiku no Gensan features several minigames which provide additional challenge and variety. These minigames involve activities such as fishing, digging for treasure, building bridges with blocks, or competing in races against other characters in order to gain points or rewards.

Overall, Ganbare Daiku no Gensan is an enjoyable game with colorful graphics and detailed animations that capture the charm of classic 8-bit platformers while still providing enough modern touches to make it worth playing today. Its simple yet challenging gameplay makes it an excellent choice for gamers looking for something different than the usual run-and-gun titles found on the SNES console.

Super Nintendo Action games