Play Bakuto Dochers Online

Bakuto Dochers technical data

Name Bakuto Dochers
System Super Nintendo
Year 1994
Developer Bullet-Proof Software
Genre Action

Bakuto Dochers is a side-scrolling action platformer published by SETA Corporation and released in Japan for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in 1993. The player takes control of a young boy named Kogetsu, who is on a quest to save his beloved master, the Bakuto Docher (or "Master of Martial Arts"), from the evil hands of his wicked brother, Dokuro.

The game's levels are divided into two parts: outdoor levels and indoor levels. In outdoor levels, the player must traverse various platforms while avoiding enemies and obstacles. There are also hidden items that can be collected throughout these levels. The player can also use various weapons such as boomerangs and shurikens to attack enemies and break objects.

In indoor levels, Kogetsu must explore various rooms while fighting off enemies and collecting power-ups. These rooms contain puzzles that must be solved in order to progress further in the game. Additionally, some of these rooms contain special items that can give Kogetsu special abilities such as double jumps or invincibility.

Throughout the game, Kogetsu will encounter bosses which he must defeat in order to progress further in the game. Bosses come in many forms such as giant robots or powerful monsters that require strategy and skill to defeat them. After defeating each boss, Kogetsu will gain access to new areas with more difficult challenges awaiting him.

The graphics of Bakuto Dochers are colorful and vibrant with detailed backgrounds and characters that bring life to its world. The soundtrack is composed by Yasunori Mitsuda which adds an extra layer of atmosphere to its gameplay making it even more enjoyable for players to experience it all over again.

Overall, Bakuto Dochers is a great SNES game that offers challenging platforming action combined with unique puzzle solving elements. It's a classic title worth checking out if you're looking for something fresh yet familiar at the same time!

Super Nintendo Action games