Play Stinger Online

Stinger technical data

Name Stinger
System NES
Year 1987
Developer Konami
Genre Shooter

The Stinger is a unique and beloved classic game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1987. Developed by Konami, the game was a side-scrolling action shooter that put players in control of a robotic bee as they flew through levels, destroying enemies and collecting power-ups along the way. The game was praised for its clever level design, intense action, and catchy soundtrack. It also had a unique feature that allowed two players to play simultaneously on separate screens.

The story of Stinger follows a group of scientists who have created an advanced robotic bee known as the Stinger. However, their experiments go awry when their prototype escapes and begins wreaking havoc on the city. The player takes control of the Stinger and must navigate their way through various levels while shooting down enemies with their built-in laser gun. As they progress through each level, they can collect power-ups such as shields and extra lives that will help them survive longer against increasingly difficult foes.

In terms of gameplay, Stinger is quite simple but surprisingly engaging. Players simply move left or right while shooting at enemies with their laser gun. They can also use special attacks such as bombs or missiles to clear out more powerful foes or obstacles blocking their path. Additionally, there are several bonus items scattered throughout each level which can be collected for additional points or even extra lives if needed. The two-player mode also adds some extra fun to the mix by allowing two friends to compete against each other on separate screens with different levels and objectives. This adds an interesting layer of strategy to the game and encourages cooperation between players in order to succeed in later levels.

Graphically speaking, Stinger looks quite good for an NES title thanks largely to its bright colors and detailed sprites used for both characters and environments alike. The music is also quite catchy and fits perfectly with each level’s theme; from upbeat techno tunes during boss battles to tranquil melodies during exploration sections, it all comes together nicely into one enjoyable package.

Overall, Stinger is an excellent title that still holds up well today despite its age; its simple yet engaging gameplay coupled with its bright graphics and catchy music make it an easy recommendation for any fan of classic gaming looking for a blast from the past. Whether you’re playing alone or with a friend, you’ll find plenty of fun here as you soar through stages while blasting away hordes of robots intent on stopping your progress!

NES Shooter games