Play Kings of the Beach Online

Kings of the Beach technical data

Name Kings of the Beach
System NES
Year 1990
Developer Electronic Arts
Genre Sports

Kings of the Beach is a beach volleyball video game released in 1989 for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

It was developed and published by Ultra Games, which was a subsidiary of Konami.

The game was one of the first NES titles to feature multiple players, and it introduced many features that would eventually become staples of the volleyball genre.

The gameplay is simple but enjoyable.

Two teams of two players face off against each other in a game of beach volleyball.

Each team can be controlled by either one or two human players.

The controls are straightforward and easy to learn, making Kings of the Beach an accessible game, even for beginners.

Players jump, spike, block and receive the ball using simple button combinations.

The game also features advanced techniques such as diving and setting up strategic plays with your partner.

Kings of the Beach allows for various levels of difficulty, including Rookie, Pro and All-Star levels.

This adds replay value to the game as players can challenge themselves on increasingly difficult settings.

Additionally, there are two different court sizes available: standard size and wide size courts that give players more room to move around on the sand.

The visuals in Kings of the Beach are decent for an 8-bit title from 1989; they’re colorful enough to keep things interesting but not so detailed that they become distracting or overwhelming during gameplay.

The sound effects are also quite good; they provide some atmosphere without being too intrusive or repetitive.

One unique feature that sets Kings of the Beach apart from other volleyball games is its “Crowd Meter” system; this gauge keeps track of how well you’re performing during play and affects how much noise (or lack thereof) is heard from an audience watching your match! As you score points or make mistakes while playing, your Crowd Meter will rise or fall accordingly – if it reaches zero then it's Game Over! Overall, Kings of the Beach is a solid volleyball title for Nintendo’s 8-bit console; it offers an enjoyable experience with its simple yet effective controls and varied difficulty settings.

Its visuals may not be cutting edge compared to today’s games but they still hold up well after all these years; same goes for its sound effects which provide some nice background noise during play without becoming too obnoxious or repetitive over time.

Finally, its Crowd Meter system adds an extra layer of depth to proceedings as players strive to keep their fans happy while competing against their opponents!

NES Sports games