Play Galaxian Online

Galaxian technical data

Name Galaxian
System NES
Year 1984
Developer Namco Limited
Genre Shooter

Galaxian is an arcade game developed by Namco and released in 1979.

It was one of the earliest shoot 'em up games, and is widely considered to be the predecessor of the popular Space Invaders.

Galaxian has been ported to many home gaming systems, including the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

The objective of Galaxian is simple: defeat all enemy ships before they can fire back at you.

You control a spaceship at the bottom of the screen, while your enemies come down in formations from above.

Your main weapon is a laser that fires straight ahead but can be aimed up or down with your joystick.

You also have bombs which can be used to take out multiple enemies at once, but these are limited and must be used strategically.

The enemies come in three types: red, blue, and yellow.

The yellow ones will dive bomb you occasionally; if you hit them you will get bonus points.

The gameplay of Galaxian is fast-paced and addictive.

You must quickly decide which targets to shoot first, as well as trying to dodge their shots while aiming yours accurately.

As you progress through the levels, new formations of enemies will appear which require different strategies to defeat them.

The game also features some power-ups such as shields that protect you for a short time or extra lives if you run out during a level.

The graphics and sound effects in Galaxian are basic but effective; they capture the feel of an old-school arcade game perfectly.

The music is catchy and adds to the atmosphere nicely; it’s especially enjoyable when playing with friends in two-player mode.

Galaxian remains an excellent example of classic arcade gaming today; its simple yet challenging gameplay makes it great fun for both experienced gamers and newcomers alike.

Its portability on platforms like the NES means that it can be enjoyed wherever there’s a TV or monitor available – making it perfect for parties or lazy afternoons spent shooting aliens!

NES Shooter games