Play Flight of the Intruder Online

Flight of the Intruder technical data

Name Flight of the Intruder
System NES
Year 1991
Developer Imagineering, Inc.
Genre Simulation

Flight of the Intruder is a classic video game from the early days of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES).

Released in 1991, it was developed by Konami and published by Ultra Games.

The game is based on the novel of the same name and follows a group of American pilots as they take part in Operation Linebacker II during the Vietnam War.

Players take control of Jake “Cool Hand” Grafton, an A-6A Intruder pilot and his wingman Vince “Viper” Connelly.

The two are tasked with flying missions against enemy targets in North Vietnam.

During each mission, players must use their plane’s weapons to destroy enemy tanks, anti-aircraft guns, SAM sites, bridges, and other targets while avoiding enemy fire.

They will also need to dodge obstacles such as mountains and clouds to reach their target.

The game features three different types of missions: bombing raids, reconnaissance runs, and air-to-air combat.

During bombing runs, players must guide their plane to its target while avoiding surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and anti-aircraft fire.

Reconnaissance runs require players to fly over enemy territory without being detected by SAMs or radar installations; if they are detected they will be shot down immediately.

Air-to-air combat involves engaging enemy aircraft in dogfights; players must outmaneuver their opponents while taking them out with their plane's cannon or missiles.

Players can choose between two difficulty settings: Normal or Hard.

On Normal mode, players have access to an unlimited number of lives while on Hard mode they only have three lives before being forced to restart the mission from the beginning.

In addition to these modes there is also an Expert setting which requires players to complete all missions without losing any lives at all; this mode is only available after completing the game on either Normal or Hard mode first.

Flight of the Intruder was praised for its realistic graphics and sound effects which capture the intensity of aerial combat during wartime very well.

It also has a solid control scheme which makes it easy for anyone to pick up and play without having too much trouble understanding how everything works; this makes it perfect for both experienced gamers and newcomers alike.

Overall Flight of the Intruder is an excellent game that offers a unique experience unlike anything else available on NES at that time; its intense action combined with its realistic visuals make it one of the best games released for Nintendo’s classic console system.

Whether you’re a fan of war games or just want something different than what was typically available back then Flight of the Intruder is definitely worth checking out!

NES Simulation games