Play Dig Dug II - Trouble in Paradise Online

Dig Dug II - Trouble in Paradise technical data

Name Dig Dug II - Trouble in Paradise
System NES
Year 1989
Developer Namco Limited
Genre Action

Dig Dug II – Trouble in Paradise was released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1988, and it was an instant hit. Developed by Namco, this game takes the classic Dig Dug formula and expands upon it with a plethora of new features and levels. The game follows the same basic premise as its predecessor; players must dig tunnels through a variety of underground settings while avoiding enemies and collecting items. However, there are some major differences between the two games that make Dig Dug II stand out from its predecessor.

The most noticeable change to Dig Dug II is the introduction of an overworld map. This map allows players to select which level they want to play without having to start from the beginning each time. It also provides more detailed information about each level, such as how many monsters remain or how much treasure has been collected. This feature makes it easier for players to track their progress and plan their route through the game more effectively.

The levels themselves have also seen some upgrades since the original Dig Dug. In addition to being larger in size, they are now filled with a greater variety of enemies, items, and obstacles. These include walking monsters such as Pookas and Fygars, flying ones like Dragoons and Cacti, power-ups like bombs and extra lives, as well as various environmental hazards such as water pools or lava flows. All these elements combine together to create challenging courses that require careful planning in order for players to succeed.

Another notable difference between Dig Dug II and its predecessor is its improved graphics. While still keeping a similar 8-bit look, this sequel offers much more detailed sprites for both characters and environment objects alike. Additionally, the game’s soundtrack has been upgraded with several catchy tunes that help give it a distinct personality compared to other NES titles at the time.

Finally, there are several new gameplay mechanics introduced in Dig Dug II which add even more depth and challenge to an already solid foundation provided by its predecessor. For example, players can now use special items such as “Pow” blocks which allow them to temporarily stun any nearby enemies or cause rocks to fall from above – both of which can be used strategically against foes in order to clear a path or avoid danger altogether! Additionally, certain levels contain hidden bonus rooms where players can find additional treasures or gain extra points if they manage to reach them before time runs out.

Overall, Dig Dug II – Trouble in Paradise is one of those rare sequels that manages not only to build upon what made its predecessor great but also adds enough new content so that it stands out on its own merits too! Its combination of improved graphics & sound design along with expanded levels & mechanics makes this entry into Namco’s beloved franchise one worth revisiting even today – something which can definitely be said about few games from this era!

NES Action games