Play Choplifter Online

Choplifter technical data

Name Choplifter
System NES
Year 1986
Developer Broderbund
Genre Shooter

Choplifter is a classic 8-bit video game released by Brøderbund Software for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1985. It was one of the first games to feature an aerial rescue mission as its main focus and has been credited with helping to popularize the side scrolling shooter genre. The player takes control of a helicopter, known as the "Choppa", which can be used to save hostages from enemy bases while avoiding enemy fire and hazards such as land mines.

The game is divided into four levels, each featuring different terrain and enemy forces. The first level consists of a desert landscape with various enemy camps, tanks, and helicopters scattered about. The player must locate and rescue hostages from these camps while avoiding or destroying any obstacles in their path. The second level features a mountainous region with more heavily defended enemy bases, including anti-aircraft guns that must be destroyed before they can shoot down the Choppa. Level three takes place over a sea with large naval vessels that are heavily armed and must be destroyed before they can cause damage to the Choppa or its crew. Lastly, level four is set in an urban environment with skyscrapers and tall buildings blocking out much of the sunlight; this makes it difficult for the player to locate hostages hidden within these structures and also makes it easier for enemies to hide from sight.

Once all four levels have been completed, players are taken back to the starting point where they must repeat all four levels again at increased difficulty levels in order to score higher points. Choplifter also features two-player cooperative mode where two players can work together to complete each level; this mode was unique for its time as most NES games only allowed single player action.

Overall, Choplifter is considered one of the best games for the NES system due to its simple yet challenging gameplay, varied environments, and enjoyable two-player mode; it remains a classic title even today and is still highly sought after by collectors around the world.

NES Shooter games