Play Robocop 2 Online

Robocop 2 technical data

Name Robocop 2
System Game Boy
Year 1991
Developer Ocean
Genre Action

Robocop 2 for the Nintendo Game Boy is an action-packed side-scrolling shooter that allows players to take on the role of the iconic cyborg law enforcement officer. The game is based on the 1990 film of the same name and was released in 1991. It was developed by Ocean Software and published by Data East USA, Inc.

The game follows Robocop as he sets out to bring down a powerful criminal organization known as “Cain” and its leader, Cain himself. Players are tasked with completing various missions throughout the city of Detroit, which range from rescuing hostages to disabling bombs and taking down enemies. Along the way, Robocop will come across a variety of weapons such as his trusty Auto 9 pistol, a grenade launcher, and even an energy gun. Additionally, players can use health packs to replenish their energy bar and upgrade their weapons at certain points in the game.

The graphics in Robocop 2 are fairly impressive for a Game Boy title; they feature detailed sprites with vibrant colours that help to create a unique atmosphere. The soundtrack is also quite good, featuring some memorable tunes that add to the overall experience. The controls are intuitive and responsive; controlling Robocop is easy thanks to its simple two-button layout.

Robocop 2 features seven levels that take place across different parts of Detroit including City Hall, OCP Tower, and Delta City. Each level consists of multiple stages where players must battle against numerous enemies while searching for power-ups such as extra lives or ammo refills. As players progress through each level they will come across more powerful foes such as robotic spiders or giant robots called ED-209s that require multiple hits before they can be defeated. Additionally, there are several boss fights scattered throughout the game which provide an extra challenge for experienced players.

Overall, Robocop 2 is an enjoyable action shooter that offers some solid gameplay despite its simplistic design. While it may not be as detailed or expansive as other titles on the system it still stands out thanks to its great visuals and soundtrack along with its challenging yet rewarding levels. Fans of the original movie will definitely appreciate this faithful recreation while gamers looking for an entertaining shooter should give it a try too!

Game Boy Action games