Play Dr. Franken II Online

Dr. Franken II technical data

Name Dr. Franken II
System Game Boy
Year 1997
Developer Motivetime Ltd.
Genre Action

Dr. Franken II is an action-adventure video game developed by Sting Entertainment and released for the Nintendo Game Boy in 1993. It is the sequel to the original Dr. Franken, which was released in 1992 for the same system. The game follows a mad scientist, Dr. Franken, as he attempts to create a perfect human being by combining parts from various creatures.

The player takes control of Dr. Franken, who must travel through various levels while collecting body parts from various monsters and creatures in order to create his perfect human being. Along the way, he must also battle enemies such as robots and other monsters that stand in his way. The game features seven levels, each with its own unique set of challenges and puzzles that must be solved in order to progress further into the game.

The goal of each level is to collect all necessary body parts from each monster or creature before moving on to the next level. The player can use a variety of weapons such as a gun or electric shocker to defeat enemies and obstacles that stand in their way. In addition, special items such as keys and switches can be used to solve puzzles or gain access to new areas within each level. As the player progresses through each level, they will encounter more challenging enemies and puzzles that must be solved in order to progress further into the game.

At the end of each level, Dr Franken will combine all collected body parts together to form a new creature or human being depending on what body parts were collected throughout that particular stage. Once this has been done, players can then move onto another stage with either their newly created creature or human being aiding them along their journey.

Dr Franken II features a unique graphics style with vivid colors and detailed sprites that add a great deal of charm and character to the overall experience. The soundtrack consists of upbeat melodies that fit perfectly with the whimsical nature of this game’s world while also providing an exciting background for battles against menacing foes such as robots or giant monsters.

Overall, Dr Frankenstein II is an enjoyable action-adventure game that provides hours of entertainment due its numerous levels filled with challenging puzzles and interesting enemies . Its colorful visuals combined with its cheerful soundtrack make it an ideal choice for gamers looking for an entertaining challenge on their Game Boy systems!

Game Boy Action games