Play RoboCop Online

RoboCop technical data

Name RoboCop
System Game Boy Color
Year 2000
Developer Mirage Interactive
Genre Action

RoboCop for Nintendo Game Boy Color is an action-packed retro shooter based on the original 1987 movie of the same name. The game was released in 1999, and it follows the story of Officer Alex Murphy as he battles crime in a futuristic Detroit. Players take control of RoboCop as they shoot their way through levels filled with enemies and puzzles.

The game features all of the classic characters from the movie, including ED-209, Emil Antonowsky, and Dick Jones. In each level, players must battle their way through waves of enemies using various weapons such as handguns, machine guns, and even a rocket launcher. As players progress through the game, they will uncover new secrets that will help them better understand the world of RoboCop.

The graphics in RoboCop for Nintendo Game Boy Color are simple but effective. The character sprites are small, but they move fluidly across the screen. The backgrounds are detailed enough to provide a nice backdrop for the action. Unfortunately, some of the enemies can become difficult to distinguish due to their similar colors and designs.

The sound effects in RoboCop for Nintendo Game Boy Color are also quite good considering the hardware limitations at hand. All of the weapons have distinct sounds when fired off and explosions sound powerful enough to make you feel like you’re really in a fight against crime. Music is also present throughout each level; however it isn’t anything special compared to other games released during this time period.

The controls in RoboCop for Nintendo Game Boy Color work well enough to get you through each level without too much trouble. You’ll use either A or B buttons to fire your weapon while using directional buttons move around onscreen. There are also context sensitive actions mapped to certain buttons which allow you to do things such as open doors or activate switches when needed.

Overall, RoboCop for Nintendo Game Boy Color is an enjoyable shooter that captures much of what made the movie great while still providing plenty of challenge for gamers who enjoy a good retro shooter experience on-the-go or at home on their television sets with their Nintendo Game Boys color systems connected via AV cables (sold separately). If you’re looking for an action-packed romp through Detroit with plenty of shooting and puzzle solving then look no further than RoboCop for Nintendo Game Boy Color!

Game Boy Color Action games