Play F.A. Premier League Stars 2001, The Online

F.A. Premier League Stars 2001, The technical data

Name F.A. Premier League Stars 2001, The
System Game Boy Color
Year 2001
Developer Krisalis Software
Genre Sports

F.A. Premier League Stars 2001, The is an officially licensed soccer video game released for the Nintendo Game Boy Color in 2001. Developed by British studio Tiertex Design Studios and published by Acclaim Entertainment, the game was based on the English Premier League and featured all 20 teams from the 2000-2001 season.

The game includes three gameplay modes: Exhibition, Season and Cup Mode. In Exhibition Mode, players can choose to play either a friendly match or a tournament match against any of the 20 teams in the league. In Season Mode, players can select one team to manage over a full season and compete for the title of Premier League Champions. Finally, Cup Mode is similar to Exhibition mode but with an added cup tournament featuring all 20 teams competing to become champions of England.

The game features a top-down perspective with simple graphics and animations that are typical of early Game Boy Color games. Players control their team on an 8x8 grid that is made up of squares representing different types of terrain such as grass, dirt, mud and water. Each type of terrain affects how the ball moves across it in various ways – grass gives more control while mud makes it difficult to pass or shoot accurately – so careful selection of where you move your players is important for success.

Players have access to a wide variety of options when playing F.A. Premier League Stars 2001 including changing team formations, switching between defensive and attacking strategies, setting up set pieces such as corners and free kicks, substituting players during matches and even making tactical decisions such as when to make substitutions or go for goal. The game also features several mini-games where players can practice their skills before taking them into actual matches.

With its simple yet deep gameplay mechanics combined with its strong emphasis on strategy and tactics, F.A. Premier League Stars 2001 was well received by critics at the time of its release who praised its level design and ability to capture the spirit of soccer without sacrificing any strategic depth or complexity in its gameplay mechanics. While it may not be remembered today as one of the greatest titles on Game Boy Color, F.A .Premier League Stars 2001 remains an interesting piece in gaming history that still offers some fun for those looking for a quick pick-up-and-play soccer simulation experience on Nintendo’s handheld console

Game Boy Color Sports games