Play Gremlins - Stripe vs. Gizmo Online

Gremlins - Stripe vs. Gizmo technical data

Name Gremlins - Stripe vs. Gizmo
System Game Boy Advance
Year 2002
Developer Magic Pockets
Genre Puzzle

Gremlins – Stripe vs. Gizmo for Nintendo Game Boy Advance

Gremlins is a classic movie from the 80s and now, it’s been made into a game for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. Gremlins – Stripe vs. Gizmo puts you in the shoes of both characters as they battle their way through a dangerous world filled with enemies and obstacles. It’s up to you to help them reach their goals and ultimately save the day!

The game starts off with an introduction that explains the basics of the story. You learn that Stripe, the leader of the gremlins, has escaped from his cage in a laboratory and is now wreaking havoc on Kingston Falls. Meanwhile, Gizmo, another gremlin who was created by scientist Mr Wing, has decided to join forces with Stripe and help him out. Together they must fight their way through various levels filled with enemies and traps in order to reach their ultimate goal: rescuing all of the other gremlins who are still trapped in cages at the laboratory!

Gameplay wise, Gremlins – Stripe vs. Gizmo is a side-scrolling platformer where you control either character as they make their way across each level. Both have different abilities that can be used to help them progress; Gizmo has an electrical shock attack while Stripe can use a slime gun to temporarily paralyze enemies. As you progress through each level, you’ll also come across extra items such as health packs which will restore your health and special weapons which can be used against tougher opponents or obstacles blocking your path.

The graphics in this game are surprisingly good considering its age; everything is well detailed and looks great on the small screen of the Game Boy Advance. The music is also quite catchy and fits perfectly with what’s going on during gameplay; it really helps to draw you into this world even more! The sound effects are also pretty good too; when enemies get hit by your attacks there’s a nice “thud” sound effect which really adds some impact to proceedings!

Overall, Gremlins – Stripe vs. Gizmo for Nintendo Game Boy Advance is an enjoyable game that captures all of the fun from the original movie while also adding its own unique spin on things thanks to its fantastic graphics and soundtrack plus great gameplay mechanics. It may not be as expansive as some other games but it still provides plenty of entertainment for those looking for something lighthearted yet challenging at times too! If you’re a fan of classic movies or just want something fun to play then this could be just what you need!

Game Boy Advance Puzzle games